Monday, June 23, 2008


When I got home from work today, Easy bowled me over and even howled a little. I can only imagine how he will act when Marghi gets back.

This evening Easy picked up a catnip mouse - a cat toy - actually, a choking hazard for a dog his size. He picked it up in his giant mouth and carefully carried it to the dog bed. We wondered why he didn't have any toys and set out to find some. I risked my life by entering the garage and finally found a stash of dog toys. We don't have them out because Seska never plays with toys anymore.

I pulled out the best ones but he was very interested in something else in the basket. At first it seemed like he was going after the cat toys, showing a freakish preference for catnip. Then we figured out that there was a "hoof". We decided against giving him the hoof, not wanting Seska to get too agitated. She does like those nasty hooves.

Easy happily rotated between 3 toys. His favorite was a blue tennis ball that is supposed to improve a dog's breath. To be fair, we gave Seska one of her old toys: the carcass of a favorite gutted toy hedgehog. She wasn't impressed.

While I was in the garage, Easy shredded the catnip mouse.

Easy has a ritual now of attending the reading of the bedtime story. It was sad tonight because he was locked out of the room to protect Salem's nerves.

Today Morgan says that Easy looks pretty with his hair down.

Tussles: Seska was able to walk up to him several times, wagging ferociously, without any incident. Easy may be learning to get along. Salem the Cat is now living upstairs in a closed-off room. He seems much happier without any Easy encounters.

Success using the dog door: None, but he's not even trying.

Treats after begging: None? Maybe Wes snuck her something. Easy's mooching is stronger than ever.

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