Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today Easy got to meet some other dogs in the neighborhood.

Easy has a way of getting underfoot in the kitchen. We were imagining a new Top Chef challenge of cooking with 2 dogs in the kitchen, both trying to bump you so you will drop treats.

Even though Easy hasn't been getting the big handouts that he got earlier in this vacation, he has been burping a lot. Possibly he has indigestion from some of the toys. He has been tearing the innards from several dog toys and hopefully not eating them. Possibly he has been finding edible tidbits on the floor. The cleaners came today, so those happy days are over -- at least until Morgan's next meal.

Easy got brushed today. Somehow that ended up in me covered in dog hair.

Toys destroyed: 2 including the blue tennis ball (3 counting the cat toy)

Tussles: He still tenses up when Seska sniffs but no fighting. Seska waits for him to eat first, chew up her toys first, etc. He is clearly alpha.

Treats after begging: Cheddar cheese and whatever he managed to scrounge.

Success using the dog door: Nope.

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