Friday, June 20, 2008


Last night we invited Easy onto the bed. It's a king size bed, mainly to accommodate pets and children. Easy flopped against my leg, immediately forcing me off the side. Luckily he decided to move on and I was able to get some sleep.

We're beginning to understand the name. As in, "Easy boy, don't bite the dog" or "Take it Easy -- don't bolt after a duck during our walk."

Today I see some afghan in him. Morgan says that he looks like a lion and also a poodle.

It is super hot today. Oh my god, it's hot. Easy followed me outside into the shade and started drinking from the fountain. I told him to stop so he moved to the other end of the fountain and started again.

Easy is showing a lot of interest in the upstairs bathroom. Either he is potty trained in how to use a toilet or he wants to drink from it. We are not opening the lid to find out.

He really does have a bowl of water to drink. He hasn't eaten a lot of dog food but enough so that Morgan swears his fur smells like fish.

The pets are all getting more comfortable together. Salem is starting to get sassy, which means we need to let Easy chase him again. Seska is getting way too friendly for her own good.

Morgan and Wes learned that they can make Easy kiss them by panting in his face.

Wes is using Easy as an example of what a normal/pleasant dog would be like, to get me to want another dog after Seska passes on. It's not very flattering for Seska.

Tussles: None that we witnessed but we did preventative intervention between him and the cat, plus we put up a cat-safety-zone barricade. I notice that Seska, who is much smaller than Easy, just busted through the barricade.

Success using the dog door: Semi. He could do it if we propel him through it, torpedo style. Then he got stuck on the other side, wagging pathetically for someone to come let him in.

Rewards for begging: 2 hot dog chunks; several chicken chunks (funny story about this one: I threw a chicken chunk to him to catch in his mouth. Instead it landed on his back and he spun around and around looking for it until we took pity and got it off his back. After watching Seska expertly catch chicken chunks, he managed to catch one.)

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