Wednesday, June 25, 2008


People who haven't seen him may not appreciate how large Easy is. The picture shows him on a couch that fits at least 3 adults. Stem to stern, he is about 3'6" from the base of his tail to the tip of his nose. His height is 2'6", approximately. He was afraid of the tape measure and wouldn't hold still.

Today we were walking and some sprinklers came on, blocking our path. I figured that Easy's paws were already muddy, so we would run through the sprinklers. He ran up to the edge of the spray and then veered wildly. I kept running with my forward momentum, so I got wet and he didn't. I don't think he is devious, just not very considerate.

Easy seems to have totally adjusted to our family by now. He thinks he is our dog. That is how long it takes for a dog to switch allegiance. Seven days.

Marghi said something about her brother-in-law Kian taking Easy for the second week. We're not sure how that is going to work. We are certainly not going to call him. If he calls here, we may deny having Easy, or any dog, really. In fact, Kian must have the wrong number.

Tonight at bedtime story time, Easy seemed disturbed by the book. It involved a bear that gets chased away by a vampire.

Tussles: Friendlier and friendlier. I'm hoping the dogs will start playing together. The cat is still quarantined.

Treats after begging: Only any popcorn that fell on the floor.

Success using the dog door: What's a dog door?

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