Friday, June 27, 2008


Morgan and I played a game called "What Can We Get Easy to Wear While He Begs for Ice Cream?" The feather boa was easy (no pun intended). He was surprisingly resistant to the tiara, the devil horns and the angel halo. He's just glamorous.

After a good run at the park, we started throwing sticks and Easy went into puppy hyperdrive. This is on the long, retractable leash that we use for Seska. He started running in wide, wild circles and Morgan almost got caught in the vortex.

On the way back from the park, Morgan came up with last names for Easy:
Easy Albert
Easy Carmine
Easy OutRun (She thinks she can outrun him. She cannot but he does come up against the limit of the retractable leash.)

Then she came up with other names like Seska ChongChong and Blankie CryBaby, about a random blanket on her bed. She went to bed tonight chanting "Easy Carmine and Blankie CryBaby". I don't know where she is getting these gangster names.

Easy is jumpy tonight. There is plastic sheeting on all the windows of our house because the painters were here today. It constantly sounds like someone is breaking in. Easy keeps barking wildly and then looking embarrassed. He is committed to protecting this house now.

Tussles: None with pets but he may kill the painters.

Treats from begging: None, not even ice cream. He is still in trouble over the chocolate incident.

Success using the dog door: He is barking to come in.

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