Sunday, June 22, 2008


Morgan decided that today Easy would be named Arrrriba! That's with a rolling R and very high pitched and loud. She insisted that everyone should call him that. We did not.

Easy was involved in our first Wii Fit session.

Today, for the first time, hamster-sized balls of orange fur appeared throughout the house. I guess he was holding his fur in until now. We were just talking about tribbles yesterday.

Easy is so tall, he leans over slightly and ends up on the couch in the living room. It is his bed now. He looks very majestic there.

We continue to marvel at what a normal pet Easy is compared to our mutant creatures. I mean, when you say his name while walking him, he actually stops sniffing the bushes and rushes to attention instead of just pulling harder the other direction. We are torn between admiration (for Easy), shame (of our own pets), and loss of respect (for Easy).

Tussles: Seska was especially doddering today and kept getting in his face to smell his breath but so far we have stopped Easy from killing her. Salem the cat now lives in the garage. He is losing weight. So, no actual fights today, but if looks could kill....

Success using the dog door: None, but he is clever about tricking people into opening the patio door for him and then dashing out.

Treats after begging: None! You're cut off! I did catch him licking the dining table after we left it tonight.

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