Saturday, June 28, 2008


Having 2 dogs currently, I try to be objective and fair. If something bad happens, I try not to assign blame to one without looking at all the evidence. Like today. I was out much of the day and the dog door was not up. Although they both went out this morning, it is not surprising that one of them might have an peeing accident in the house. In the middle of Seska's bed. Apparently twice.

Luckily it was her old bed, the electrically heated one.

Morgan found another way to get Easy to lick her: She pretends to be Easy's puppy. She says that Easy is the daddy dog and Seska is her mommy dog, if you can imagine that one. She curls up to Easy making whimpering sounds and generally hangs all over him. I finally told her to leave the poor dog alone but he was very good with her, just licking her a lot.

Easy definitely knows the word "Walk". I like how he runs over and bites the leash when he hears the word.

Tussles: Seska is pretty smart now and plays hard to get with Easy. Easy now follows her around, confused. He's such a guy.

Treats after begging: Taco meat. I still don't know how it happened. I think he hypnotized me.

Success using the dog door: Who needs a dog door when you've got Seska's bed right there?

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